All of us girls in front of Tiffanys!! You can not go to New York without going to Tiffanys!!!
My cute sisters and I!
The Naked Cowboy!! All of the girls before us were touching his bum so I thought thats what I was supposed to do! And look at little Ashtyn even touching his bum!
The Naked Cowboy!
Haha Look at that face! Im a little crazy I know! And notice Ashtyn is thinking if she wants to touch his bum or not....we all know that she did it!!!
Ha Ha!! How funny! You girls are so naughty! Yes I was pregnant, but in my defense I didn't know yet. So I wasn't that sneeky...just oblivious! Thanks for the congrats! We are really happy! Miss and love you guys! The Salsa chiken recipe turned out really yummy and I have made it many many times sence then. It is a staple now! Thanks cuz!
I KNOW the crickets were-a chirpin'! I could hear them a mile down the road. That being said, I did update the blog.
As for the naked cowboy, where can I order some of that????? Just kidding, his face kind of looked like a creepster. Judging by your face, you were having the time of your life! How come Brittany didn't get in on the action?
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